Want to try something new?

— This is where I dump my ideas.  Plain and simple —

Got something you want to try?  Let's make it happen. 

Oliver at the base of log walking, pointing at the kitties
Oliver at the base of log walking, pointing at the kitties

This is my creative outlet

I really don't know what I'm doing most of the time.  I try to stay humble, creative, and curious.  As such, I've learned and accomplished a lot.  I've worked in financial services, as an EMT, Oncology SME, IT consultant, and am now working on getting my first children's book published.  But what I do for work doesn't define who I am.  I am, like all of you, unique. I now have 2 kids, a wonderful wife, and a house in the mountains where I get to spread out and be weird.  Jeremy's Mountain Garage LLC is where I go to create new things.  Most of them don't pan out, but some do.  And I'd rather fail a hundred times than never try, so here we are.  Failing.  Happily.

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